- 風格:侘寂
- 坪數:25坪
- 格局:3房2廳
- 建材:KD木皮、凱恩塗料、微水泥漆、PERGO木地板
- 監造:范綱傑、涂詩芸
- 攝影:禧數位
Through the vicissitudes of life, people learn how to simplify an engaged existence. The home lady hopes that the accent of the home is on “simplicity and warmth” for the home master’s treatment. Hence, we prepared a simplified layout plan; it returns to the essence and integrates the materials of nature with the neutral color schemes. “A Realm of Tranquility” brings out the concept of Wabi-Sabi that takes one’s harmonized body and soul to a tranquil surrounding.
”Wabi-Sabi ” is a representation of Buddhism aesthetic philosophy that involves ideally understanding the transient nature of materials in the world. Accordingly, the design exudes the beauty of austerity as we adopted rustic and understated materials, such as wooden elements associated with microcement coating. Without superfluous furnishings, homeowners have plenty of flexibility to adapt arrangements. In the home, they can have a quiet and well-being sense of life with more and more interests as time goes by.